First of all, according to the Scriptures all physical things, all the material things that we see, touch, and enjoy, are not the real things. They are but a shadow, a figure of the true. Day by day we are contacting so many material objects: we are eating food, drinking water, putting on clothes; we are living in our houses and driving in our cars. These things are not real.They are but shadows, figures. The food we take every day is not the real food but a figure of the real. The water we drink is not the real water. The light before our eyes is not the real light but a figure pointing to something else.


We live in a world of shadows, symbols, types, images and pictures.


We speak of gold; but the gold we have here in the material realm is made of mass, filled with protons, electrons and atoms, in a place that gives us no more than a picture of real gold. Real gold is Christ. Our gold, here in the realm of mass, is a suggestion of Christ.
The real sun is Christ. Our sun is a shadow of Christ. It is a picture of Him.
ALL is made of Christ. And creation was strewn with pictures of Him. That moon up in the sky is not the true reality. That moon is a picture of Christ.
Then what are the real things? Before creation there existed in the Father, in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit the real gold, the real water, and real food.
There in God resided real water, food, light and life; and they are not shadows, nor symbols, nor images, nor reflections. So the real things are nothing but Christ Himself. Christ is the real food to us. Christ is the real water to us. Christ is the real light to us. Christ is the reality of everything to us. Even our physical life is not a real life. It is but a figure pointing to Christ. Christ is the real life to us. If you don’t have Christ, you don’t have life. You will say, “I am living; I have life in my body!” But you must realize that this is not the real life. It is merely a shadow pointing to the real life which is Christ Himself.
Life was Christ. True Life is Christ! All we have here in this  physical creation is a shadow of Life. Christ is Life!
Before creation began, Christ was everything, and everything was Christ.
You and I and ALL things around us are shadows, pictures, images, replicas, and reflections of Christ.
Praise God for the true follower’s of Christ. Praise Him for us that are able to step out of the present realm into the spiritual realm and dwell together with Christ. To be lead by Christ and in communion with one another.
So many dwell on the paradise to come, only to miss out at the golden truth of the beauty which dwells within themselves. That beauty is Christ Himself!
That Christ is in them, in you, in me, in everything right now! You need to know that everything you need is inside you. You are in the eternals of the flowing river of the true life.
Paul gives us the key to this mystery in 1 Corinthians 6:17: “He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” When the spirit leaves the body, the body disintegrates. It loses its structure because it is always dependent upon the spirit for its organization of reality. The spirit has independent reality. The body has only relative reality. It is the spirit that gives life and sustains the body.
So, the spirit is essential reality and the material is only accidental, or has only relative reality. In other words, your spirit is the real ‘you’, the real person. A person who is joined to the Lord as one spirit is, in his essential being, seated with Christ in the heavens.
While the body is here, the real self is there. A body may occupy only one place at a time, the spirit is not so confined. Because “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit,” therefore, since Christ is exalted and enthroned, the Church is exalted and enthroned with Him.
To reach this you must step out on faith to increase the spiritual awareness of this Christ in you.
May you continue to seek Him with all your heart.
Rev. Robert Mackey of †Crosswalk Ministry is a writer and minister of God’s Word and His creation. Please feel free to visit at:
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